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Keith Harris – Blog Writer

Hello there! I am the blog writer for Horror Movie Talk.

As a longtime horror and general movie fan, I thrive on feedback and encourage discussion both to get to know others’ tastes and broaden my creative perspective. Having drawn & written since early childhood in addition to directing two short films in college on my road to an eventual professional career as a director and/or screenwriter, I am passionate in my opinions & ambitions on the potential of visual storytelling.

Apart from that, I’m largely just another guy. When not working or volunteering at the hospital, I enjoy a good mystery novel, comics, or manga. I have multiple projects I regularly develop for my own stories, scripts, and graphic novels, including a children’s book I’m in the process of publishing. My other hobbies include walking & martial arts for exercise, some video games, Youtube, Netflix, friends and family time.

Horror I like most:

I can definitely enjoy a well-made slasher, horror comedy, creature feature, and sci-fi horror. What gets under my skin deepest, however, is quality supernatural atmosphere and especially psychological horror or suspense.

Some of my all-time favorites:

Team Silent’s Silent Hill games
Dead Space series
Forbidden Siren series
Jacob’s Ladder
The Hitcher
Juon: The Grudge
Kansen (Infection)
Kairo (Pulse)
The original Shutter
The Ring remake
Alien series
The Blair Witch Project
John Carpenter’s The Thing
Nightmare on Elm Street series
Several of Stephen King & Junji Ito’s works

Horror I like least:

I’ve never “liked” gore so much as tolerated it. I can only watch that stuff because I know it’s not real, I’d get nauseous from even a genuine autopsy photo. I do have a deep admiration for the imagination & work ethic of practical effects (Romero’s films, American Werewolf in London, The Walking Dead, etc) from a behind-the-scenes pov. Most don’t believe me when I say that I like the first Saw film for its story, but it’s true! I like some CGI effects too, but there’s something about a physical work of art that I don’t resonate with as often on computers.

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